Professional Voice Over Facility in Silver Lake
Recording a voice over is seemingly simple but you need to get it right the first time, no exceptions. It’s more than just recording in a quiet room in your home or into your phone. If you want to achieve a professional result, that requires a well-equipped studio and an engineer with lots of experience. To be able to sound like what you hear on television or radio requires very high-end microphones and microphone pre-amps as well as a well-tuned space to record in. Having an experienced Emmy nominated engineer will ensure that the end-product sounds world class. Record your next voice over project at Silverlake Recording Studios where all of these components come together at a reasonable rate.
Experienced Voice Over Facility
The list of corporate clients who have recorded voice overs at Silverlake Recording Studios reads like an entertainment industry’s who’s who. Silverlake Recording Studios’ prestigious voice over client list includes National Geographic, NPR, Simon and Schuster, The New Yorker, HBO, Lifetime and more. If some of the top names in the entertainment business trust Silverlake Recording Studios to record their voice overs, you can trust that your project will be in good hands.
Engineer by Your Side
Whether you’re an experienced voice over artist or this is your first time, the on-site engineer Darren Elpant will make you comfortable and ensure that you will sound your best. You can consult with or pre-produce with Darren to make sure your project comes out the best it can be. With his vast experience and work with A-List clients such as National Geographic, NPR, Simon and Schuster, The New Yorker, HBO, Lifetime and more, your project is sure to come out right the first time. Having Darren’s years of expertise on your voice over project, even an inexperienced voice over artist can sound like a seasoned professional. Contact Silverlake Recording Studios in Los Angeles today and take your voice over project to the next level.
Facilities Make the Studio
Making your voice over sound world class takes more than just having a great voice over artist, one also needs to have high-end recording equipment and a great sounding room. Sometimes removing sound anomalies, editing, and a good mix is what’s required for a voice over to sound like a finished product. This is where Silverlake Recording Studios really shines! From the isolation booth, to the recording equipment, to Darren’s 30 plus years of experience, Silverlake Recording Studios will help you achieve the final product that you’re looking for. Time and time again our customers tell us that they appreciate the relaxed atmosphere and Darren’s professionalism.
More Than Just Voice Over
Silverlake Recording Studios offers so much more than recording voice overs. Sure, its client list reads like an entertainment industry’s who’s who, but it’s a great place for recording music too. For full bands, horn sections, and small string ensembles, Silverlake Recording Studios is as equipped for voice over artists as it is for a Marshall stack. The studio can be altered to fill the needs of almost any project. The versatility and convertibility of Silverlake Recording Studios makes it a great fit for any of your recording needs. Whether you’re recording a voice over or anything else, you can set up a meeting with Darren at darren@silverlakerecordingstudios.com.